Shu Uemura Eyelash Curlers

I have fairly curly lashes, and I've put off buying an eyelash curler for many years because there's no real need. But every now and again, I'm going out, I'm doing my makeup for the evening, and when I've done a nice job and put some effort in it, I'm always kicking myself for not having an eyelash curler on hand. It's the sort of thing only I would notice, having not-quite-perfectly-curled eyelashes, and curling them would make a difference so minute that only I'd be able to tell, but for whatever reason, it bugs me just enough that I recently gave in and bought them.

The other reason I've put it off is quite simple really. I mean, have you ever seen a pair of eyelash curlers? They're downright terrifying contraptions! Like little eye-clampers. I could chase my sweetie around the house with them, and I bet he'd run with some genuine motivation. Any man would.

Ruth Crilly of AMR and Tanya Burr swear by the Shu Uemura curlers. Ruth Crilly has tried lots and lots of different ones which never quite measure up to these babies. So, when they became available on one of the online shops I frequent, say, once a year, I bit the bullet and clicked add to cart.

Here they are.

So, now to the before and the after, and whether it's a worthwhile thing to own.



Well, they definitely work, and I'm pleased with the results. As to whether they are worth having, well, if I didn't buy them, it would just continue to bug me at those times when perfection eludes a makeup job well done. And I doubt I'll ever have to change the pads, since I seldom make myself over.

Here they are with a bit of Mascara. I only ever do one coat, because I don't like the heavy, clumped together into a messy mess of mascara-swaddled lashes look. I like to be able to see each individual lash after the coat of mascara. It should look defined, just a nice sweep of lashes. Plus, this stuff is heavy-duty waterproof stuff, and it lasts just fine. I did a test just for kicks, and with a single light layer of mascara, this curl will hold for three days. Three whole days. Not that you need it to. But it's kind of cool.

So there we are! A great sweeping curl, a product that works really well, and a customer with no buyer's remorse! 

Have a great day, and thanks for reading!



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