Tom Ford eye shadow quad in n°5 Silvered Topaz

Tom Ford Silvered Topaz

About a month and a half ago, my Sweedum went on a trip to a big city where Tom Ford items could be had. I had him bring me back some things I really wanted to buy, and I've posted about those. What I didn't know was that he bought me something for Christmas while he was in the store!

For as long as I've liked Tom Ford, I've wanted the Silvered Topaz quad. It's really pricey though, and I couldn't afford to get it at that time, and Iwanted to buy really expensive perfume. I mentioned this eye shadow months before, andmy Sweedum (who is incredibly thoughtful and detail-oriented) remembered exactly which one it
was and bought it for me to surprise me with on Christmas. It was super sweet and also a very very nice gift (normally we're not the sorts to give really expensive presents for Christmas, we keep it much more reasonable for the most part).

I haven't used it yet, cause I haven't had a good sunny day to take pictures of the unused-ness until this morning. That means I can't really do a full review yet, but I can share some pics!

Tom Ford Silvered Topaz
I am really crazy about these colours. I haven't ever seen a nicer palette than this. Simple colours have always been a thing for me, I'm a fan of a classy not too showy look. They go very well together too I think. I have a hard time finding shades that work well for me, because I'm not big on bright colours on my eyes, like blue eye shadow, or purple or green, I like something very low-key that doesn't look out of place. This is more demure, and it will work well with dark hair and eyes. I find that a lot of the more vibrant colours seem easier to pull off if you have light coloured eyes, but on me they've never quite looked right.

Tom Ford Silvered Topaz

Tom Ford Silvered Topaz
I really like that the browns here are not just plain brown. They are sort of kitty coloured. Grey-browns. They're softer, more blendy colours. The packaging is very beautiful too, very simple, again. Magnetized lid that just clacks into place when you close it instead of having a breakable mechanism, that's a nice touch. Brown case that is comprised of a metal underlay with sheer brown plastic over top with a slight iridescence that has almost the effect of a gasoline puddle (in a pretty way). Also, notice the details, like an extra large mirror with Tom Ford embossed on it... oooooh...

Tom Ford Silvered Topaz

 Well, that's it for now until the review!

Have a great day, and thanks for reading!



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